Janina Sabaliauskaitė

Janina Sabaliauskaitė (b. 1991, Vilnius) is a photographer and curator working with archival material and analogue photography, based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

In 2014, Sabaliauskaitė graduated from Sunderland University, UK, Photography, Video and Digital Imaging department. Recent exhibitions include We Don’t Do This. Intimacy, Norms and Fantasies in Baltic Art, MO museum, Vilnius, Lithuania (2024); In the Name of Desire, Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga, Latvia (2024); Trust, Drifts gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania (2023, solo), Sending Love, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, UK (2022, solo). Upcoming exhibitions: The Skin We Live, Portraits from the NGCA Collection, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, UK (2024); Paris Photo, Paris, France (2024); solo show at Išgir̃stì, Vilnius, Lithuania (2024); Retrospective exhibition of Anna-Stina Treumund, KUMU Art museum, Tallinn (2025); solo show at Radvila Palace, Vilnius, Lithuania (2025).

In 2023, together with Ieva Kotryna Ski, she created the project Dyke Into, exhibited on JCDecaux Lithuania’s billboards in Vilnius. In 2022, the artist opened her first exhibition, Sending Love, at the Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art (Sunderland, UK), and curated a retrospective exhibition of photographer Rimaldas Vikšraitis. In 2020, together with Laura Varžgalytė, Sabaliauskaitė initiated the LGBTQ+ art and news magazine published by the Vilnius Queer Festival Kreivės. She also became co-organiser of the queer feminist festival SapfoFest as of 2017. In the same year, she co-curated (together with Jade Sweeting) an archival exhibition of the magazine On Our Backs and its editor, photographer Phyllis Christopher’s work at The NewBridge Project space in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. In 2023, she was nominated for the North East Culture Visual Artist of the Year Award for her solo exhibition Sending Love.



Please contact us to enquire about available works.

Janina Sabaliauskaitė
Self-Portrait. South Shields, UK, 2023

In: WePresent by WeTransfer – New Rules, Navigating The Future of Photography, 2024

Janina Sabaliauskaitė
Aistė & Vėja I. Vilnius, LT, 2023

Exhibition view: We Don’t Do This. Intimacy, Norms and Fantasies in Baltic Art, curated by Inga Lāce, Adomas Narkevičius, Rebeka Põldsam, MO museum, Vilnius, 2024. Photo by Jonas Balsevičius

Exhibition view: We Don’t Do This. Intimacy, Norms and Fantasies in Baltic Art, curated by Inga Lāce, Adomas Narkevičius, Rebeka Põldsam, MO museum, Vilnius, 2024. Photo by Jonas Balsevičius

Exhibition view: We Don’t Do This. Intimacy, Norms and Fantasies in Baltic Art, curated by Inga Lāce, Adomas Narkevičius, Rebeka Põldsam, MO museum, Vilnius, 2024. Photo by Jonas Balsevičius

Janina Sabaliauskaitė
Roo, Emilija & Agota next to graffiti Homophobes Will Go To Hell, Kaunas, 2022

Exhibition view: In the Name of Desire, Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga, Latvia, 2024. Photo by Kaspars Teilans

Exhibition view: Janina Sabaliauskaitė, Trust, curated by Laima Kreivytė, Drifts gallery, Vilnius, 2023. Photo by Andrej Vasilenko

From Left to Right:
Janina Sabaliauskaitė
Dovilė Dobravolskaitė Dyking the Lake III. Asveja Lake, LT, 2023
Dovilė Dobravolskaitė Dyking the Lake II. Asveja Lake, LT, 2023
Dovilė Dobravolskaitė Dyking the Lake I. Asveja Lake, LT, 2023

Exhibition view: Janina Sabaliauskaitė, Trust, curated by Laima Kreivytė, Drifts gallery, Vilnius, 2023. Photo by Andrej Vasilenko

Janina Sabaliauskaitė
Erotic, Sensual, Landscape Body I. Chatton, Northumberland, UK, 2023

View from the project Dyke Into, created with Ieva Kotryna Ski, JCDecaux Lithuania’s billboards, Vilnius, 2023. Photo by Eivydas Adomavičius

Exhibition view: Sending Love, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, UK, 2022. Photo by Colin Davison

Janina Sabaliauskaitė
Heather & Rene in their home. Gateshead, UK, 2022
NGCA Collection

Exhibition view: Voices, Low Gallery, Riga, Latvia, 2022. Photo by David Ashley Kerr

Exhibition view: Voices, Low Gallery, Riga, Latvia, 2022. Photo by David Ashley Kerr

Janina Sabaliauskaitė
Ellie, Don’t Fear The Queer. Newcastle, UK, 2022

British Journal of Photography, Queer New Wave by Gem Fletcher, 2023 December


#Currently: Hotel Warszawa Art fair, Warsaw, Poland, 6 – 8 September 2024

#Currently: We Don’t Do This. Intimacy, Norms and Fantasies in Baltic Art, curated by Inga Lāce, Adomas Narkevičius, Rebeka Põldsam, MO museum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 9 March – 8 September 2024

#Upcoming: The Ambassadors, curated by Aušra Trakšelytė and Monika Kalinauskaitė, Fiminco Foundation, Paris, France, 2024

#Upcoming: The Skin We Live, Portraits from the NGCA Collection, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, UK, 2024

#Upcoming: Paris Photo, curated by Sonia Voss, Grand Palais, Paris, France, 2024

#Upcoming: solo show (Title tbc) curators Viktorija Kolbešnikova and Augustas Čičelis, Išgir̃stì Archive, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2024

#Upcoming: solo show Sexuality and Disability (Title tbc) curator Monika Kalinauskaitė, Radvila Palace, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2025

#Upcoming: Retrospective exhibition of Anna-Stina Treumund, KUMU Art museum, curators Tallinn, Estonia, 2025

Please contact us to arrange the preview of Janina Sabaliauskaite's works at the gallery.