Exploring the connections between the physical form of objects and their conceptual significance, Agata Orlovska (b. 1998) does not limit herself to the materiality of traditional sculpture or painting, seeking an authentic artistic language. The artist investigates how immateriality influences the anatomy of artwork and distorts it over time. Material, texture, or structure in her artwork act as cultural references, as the physicality of the object acquires associativity, and her deep understanding of different techniques enables the artist to uncover narratives within the medium itself. With her works, the artist questions how the unseen operates within contemporary visuality, how thoughts are expressed without visible sources, and what significance other senses, beyond sight, hold in relation to the artwork. The involvement of the viewer in the active experience of such allows for various interpretations of the artwork to unfold, nurturing new artistic creations and/or their extensions.
In 2023, Agata Orlovska completed her master’s studies in painting at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. Her solo exhibitions were presented: “Ša naqba īmuru” at the “Pamėnkalnio“ gallery (2024), “Per speculum et in aenigmate” at the “Vartai” gallery (2023), “Klausytis2” at the “Akademija” gallery (2022). Her artworks have been exhibited in group shows, including “Flashbang” at the former Vilnius Finance and Credit College building (2023); “Young Painter’s Prize Finalists Exhibition” at the Museum of Applied Arts and Design in Vilnius (2023); “Drifts. Srovės” at Drifts Gallery (2022); “Counter-argument V” at Meno Parkas gallery in Kaunas (2022), among others. In 2023, A. Orlovska won the “Young Painter’s Prize,” and her work “Mirror Of The Sea” was included in the collection of the Lithuanian National Museum of Art. In the same year, she was awarded the national winner of the M. K. Čiurlionis incentive scholarship and won the Nordic and Baltic Young Artist Award.
Please contact us to enquire about available works
Agata Orlovska
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, 2024
Agata Orlovska
Aušros Vartų Švenčiausiosios Mergelės Marijos apkaustas, 2024
Agata Orlovska
Marcel Duchamp replica nr. 5, 2024
Agata Orlovska
Tik užsimerkus Tave matysiu, uždenk ausis, Tave girdėsiu, 2022
Agata Orlovska
Garso instaliacija, 2022
Installation view: Agata Orlovska, Klausytis2, Akademija gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo by Vytas Nomadas
2 August 2022
Agata Orlovska
Baltas triukšmas, 2022
Agata Orlovska
Kol neišnyks Tavo pirminė mintis, 2021
Agata Orlovska
Falšas, 2021